Sunny Sunday’s To Do List

Sunday’s are by far, my favorite day out of the week and typically my only day off which is a bonus on why I prefer the day. Since I’m almost positive Sunday’s are national “Chill” day for most, I figured I’d compile a list of all the things I love to do on my days off that require little to no effort.



The weather has been phenomenal in Milwaukee recently, and since we only get about four months of warm sunny weather, I figured I’d gather up the family and make a day of it. Picnics can seem like a lot of work but, this time I honestly just grabbed what I could out of the fridge and packed it up…making sure I was hitting every taste category possible. Beachside picnics are some of the best but, for this particular picnic, I opted for a park. Honestly, this is one of my new favorite things to do especially with my family!

-Adventure Time-

I’ve lived in Milwaukee my whole life and recently realized; there is so much of this city that I haven’t seen yet. With Milwaukee developing, there are so many new restaurants and businesses popping up I feel it’s only appropriate I try to experience it as much as possible. My favorite days are the day’s that I have NOTHING to do. Knowing you have the whole day to do whatever you feel like doing is the best! Whether it’s visiting somewhere new or trying somewhere new, sunny day’s are the best days to do it, especially on foot!



Okay, I know I just said that I love the day’s I have nothing to do but, I’m a planner. Every single Sunday I look at the upcoming week plan my to-do list and set specific, realistic goals for myself on what I want to accomplish. Nothing make’s me feel prepared like a good plan. I have a TON of blog ideas for the fall, and since I’ll be in school and working a fulltime, I’ve been pre-planning a lot of those now. Also pro tip, the cuter the supplies to help you plan, the more enjoyable it is.


These are honestly some of my favorite things to do on a Sunday. Hopefully, you all find some inspiration for the next time you have no plans!

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